Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Don't Lllllike You...

Here's a list of mofos I don't like.  You'll notice that most of these folks I don't know.  This is because I don't make an effort to be around people I don't like.  This list, is of course in addition to the basics: Racists (this includes "colorblind racists," Zionists, people who supposedly hate Islam but just really hate brown folks who practice it, racist minorities who hate other minorities or their own people, etc), sexists, rapists, homophobes, Conservative Christians who can't mind their damn business, folks who are mean for no damn reason, the intentionally ignorant, picky eaters, the vast majority of Republicans and Democrats, white folks who don't know how to act, black folks who don't know how to act, Asian folks who don't know how to act, Hispanic folks who don't know how to act, people who think they're the smartest person I know when they're really the smartest person THEY know, rich individuals who act like they're gonna live on the moon when they've fucked up the Earth, people who use the word "hater" to describe people who don't like the same people they like, folks who TRY IT, white folks who sing Black music POORLY (i.e Adele), Black folks who say there's no such thing as Black music, the ahistorical thinkers, etc, etc, etc.

1. Barack Obama.  I ain't liked dude since he thought it was a good idea to run for President before finishing the first fuckin term us Illinoisans elected him to.  Let the record reflect: I campaigned for his 2004 Senate run.

But now?  This is how I feel about him:

Because of shit like this:

And when he talks, I be like the lil boy at the top of this picture:
Not e'em payin attention.

Keep reading this blog, I'll give you plenty of reasons why I don't like him.  But here are a few quick words to sum it up: Collusion.  Drones.  Racism.  SameolebullshitweBEENputtinupwith.

2. Rahmses Emmanuel.  Unfortunately, this corrupt mofo, and close friend of the corrupt mofo from number one, is the mayor of my great city.  

Because of shit like this:

And this (and I SWEAR this looks like the library by my crib...had I known he was there...):

Oh, and don't forget THIS:

Well, whaddya know...that's all I got for now.  Worry not, there will be many editions of "I Don't Like You..." coming to y'all in the future.

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